Our Mission
To inspire and mobilize people to strengthen communities through learning, scholarship, and advocacy
Hope, Integrity, Collaboration, and Action
We envision inclusive, healthy, resilient, and just communities
Our Story

Image of Lowell Bennion
Our Namesake
While new ideas and innovative strategies to implement them are flourishing, the Bennion Center continues to model itself on the life its namesake, Lowell Bennion, who embodied respect for all people, believed in social and economic justice for all, and acted tirelessly on his beliefs.

"Ain't Nothin' to it but to do it"
Rotary Community Service Interns
Founding Team - 1988
Lowell Bennion Community Service Center
University of Utah
Focusing on Community Needs
The Lowell Bennion Community Service Center was dedicated in 1987 by Chase Peterson, President of the University of Utah. He stated, “No university can rest merely with the transmission of old or the generation of new knowledge. It must also help students reach out to larger opportunities and responsibilities. That is what the Bennion Center is all about.”
Students have been doing just that – directing projects designed to address an identified community need, usually in partnership with an existing public or private agency. Projects that served elderly people, youth, and special populations were among the first programs offered, and still provide the bulk of our volunteer opportunities.