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Community Engaged Learning - Course Designation Application

Contact Information

Course Information

(e.g. COMM 3660)

(e.g. 001, list all sections to which CEL would be added)

(Choose all semester(s) that the course will be offered).

If yes, and students enrolled in this course may be completing more than six hours of required community engagement outside the state of Utah, the University is required to seek authorization from each state where the contact hours will take place. Please contact to obtain these authorizations.

If you don't know your chartfield, please work with your department accountant or administrative assistant. (SCH CEL funds can only be used to support CEL-related activities, so please considered creating a unique chartfield for these funds.)
Document Upload(s)

Files must be less than 2MB and have one of the following file extensions: doc, docx, rtf, txt, pdf.

Files must be less than 2MB and have one of the following file extensions: doc, docx, rtf, txt, pdf.

Last Updated: 7/14/22