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The Bennion Collective - Issue #1

The Bennion Collective - Issue #1

The Bennion Collective - Issue #1 Introducing our new bi-weekly e-newsletter that is created by student leader volunteers on our Comm Team. This issue features a feature story about Lowell Bennion, a spotlight on our Volunteer Interest Form (VIF), upcoming calendar dates, a Spotify playlist, and a write-up about Education & Vaccination.

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2021 CEL Faculty Awards

2021 Faculty Award Recipient

The Bennion Center would like to announce this year’s Faculty Award Winners and offer congratulations and gratitude for their incredible service to Utah communities. This year’s Public Service Professor Award winner is Professor Milad Hosseini-Mozari of the Multi-Disciplinary Design (MDD) Program in the College of Architecture and Planning. The 2021 Distinguished Faculty Service Award winner is Professor Cathleen Zick of the Family & Consumer Studies Department, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences.

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Bennion Center Continues to Stride Forward After Community Engagement Classification

Community Engagement at the U

In Feb. 2020, the University of Utah received a 2020 Community Engagement Classification from the Carnegie Foundation. This classification measures the U’s commitment to community-related activities. More than an award, this classification is a designation that lasts for 10 years and can be renewed.

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6 Ways to Stay Engaged this Spring Semester

Community Engagement at the U

Whether you’re just wanting to dip your toes in the community service waters, or fully immerse yourself in an experiential community-engaged learning program, there’s something that could use your invaluable contributions.

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My CEL Experience

My CEL Experience

Making new friends when you move to a new place is tough, making new friends during a pandemic is even tougher. Through community engagement, I was able to break the ice with strangers, develop new friendships, and see the City from a local’s perspective.

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Last Updated: 12/5/23